Tuesday, January 12, 2016

About Me

When I found myself married then immediately pregnant (Disney World honeymoons really are magical) I was just 20 years old. I had never considered myself "crunchy" or "natural" at all, but I knew as soon as I saw my little girl on the ultrasound that I didn't want to do the whole 'modern parenting' thing. I wanted my child to be who she was meant to be and for me to listen to her cues and to guide her through life. Becoming a mother changed everything about me and a lot of my views on things in life. If you had told me 2 years ago I would be eating close to sugar free and have a baby who I cloth diaper, breastfeed (hope to extended breastfeed!), and wore on my back the majority of the time, I wouldn't have believed anything you said. I hope my blog inspires young mothers out there to be the mother they feel is right in their gut. Always follow your gut and heart.